X-Keys Can Speed Up Your Computer and Gaming

Computers are supposed to help you get things done faster and more efficiently, but if you're not using keyboard shortcuts or automating repetitive tasks, then you‘re missing out. You shouldn't have to go digging into …(read more)
Review: (The Horrible) Contour Design iSee-Video
I’ve decided to give Contour one more chance. One more chance to satisfy me as a customer, provide great protection for my iPod, and spread …(read more)
Simplify Paper Management with Yep
So you’ve organized all your photos and your music. Now you just want to organize your paper. Yep? Yep might be what you’re looking for. …(read more)
An Introduction to Quicksilver
Last week I reviewed Google Desktop, the not-quite-ready-for-prime-time but mighty interesting competitor to Spotlight. Of course, I have both installed for academic interest—the way I …(read more)
Creating Your Own Sony Ericsson Themes
Here’s one for those of you out there who own a Sony Ericsson mobile phone on the Macintosh platform: a Sony Ericsson Theme Creator. There’s …(read more)
iPhoto Library Manager Makes Multiple iPhoto Libraries a Whiz
iPhoto can create multiple photo libraries, but to say its handling of them is bad would be a compliment. It’s a lot worse than that. …(read more)
Review: Google Desktop for Mac
Macintosh users are not used to having choices for the things that Apple provides with the operating system. Since we get iTunes, we don’t go …(read more)
Review: Malachi and Company Clothing Update — SyncWear T-shirt
Some time ago I reviewed the Malachi and Company’s PodWear ProActive t-shirt (read it here!). One thing that I noticed at the time was that …(read more)
Is There TRUTH in Sync Services?
In last week’s article, I mentioned that I was going to elaborate on my experience(s) with Apple’s sync services. I must say that the inherent …(read more)
The Missing Sync List
For those of you that own an Xbox 360, hopefully you remember my article from a couple of weeks ago where I spoke about Connect …(read more)
Why I Stopped Using Mozilla Thunderbird
I have been using Mozilla’s Thunderbird for my email on my Mac for more than two years now and it has served me adequately. It …(read more)
Google, Please Bring Picasa to the Mac
This piece is meant to be a review, but instead, it became a bit of a tirade and a plea. I spent hours yesterday trying …(read more)
Review: DLO Podfolio For 5G iPod
I’m a sucker for great iPod cases. Thankfully the DLO Podfolio is a great iPod case. It combines a great look and feel with great …(read more)