Ukan's Profile

  • Apr 19, 2005
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Latest comments made by: Ukan

  • In the future when people ask what happened to AppleMatters as a meaningful forum for discussion, we can all look back to when it jumped the shark. Banner ads only get you so far, so how about some integrated marketing with a story about the first “hack” from the up and coming second edition of iPod and iTunes Hacks -The Shuffle Cardboard Case, one of the many usefeul hacks contained in Hadley's book. Only $24.95! Useful hacks include how to use iTunes as it was designed, upgrading headphones to more expensive models, and using third party accessories as intended. Yipee!
    Ukan had this to say on Mar 09, 2005 Posts: 1
    How to Make a Cardboard Case for your iPod Shuffle