Macintosh: The Computer for the Best of Us?

Buying a car can be a trying experience. If you have no idea what you’re after the salesmen will positively inundate you with questionable information …(read more)

How Microsoft Will Die

Longhorn, by the features WFS: Cut .NET Framework: Cut MONAD: Cut Integrated Search: Cut Avalon: Who knows? Indigo: Who knows? IE7: You can repaint a …(read more)

Project Red Box: Bad Idea

When Steve Jobs announced the switch to Intel the Mac community let out one huge collective gasp, waited five seconds and diligently started thinking of …(read more)

The iPod Is No Longer Cool, And That’s Good

Dan Pourhadi on MacTeens tells of a friend telling him “iPod’s aren’t cool anymore”. And she’s right. When George Bush and the Queen own an …(read more)

Apple, Don’t Try to Make the iPod Any “Better”

The days of the iPod being uber cool are definitely in the past, at this point the iPod has gone from accessory of the amazingly …(read more)

The Cost of Being First

in·no·va·tion   (n-vshn) n.     1.    The act of introducing something new.     2.    Something newly introduced. u·ni·form   (yn-fôrm) adj. …(read more)

2006: Apple vs. Dell

There is a notion that Apple is doomed to become a software only company. There are valid reasons to think this may be the case, …(read more)

The iPod Is The Car of The 21st Century

It has been said that the automobile did more for the sexual revolution than any other single factor. You see having a car meant having …(read more)

Apple Preparing for a Microsoft Free Future?

Back in the mid-nineties Apple was in some serious trouble, they needed a new operating system but their efforts (Copland) had come to naught. One …(read more)

Anticipating Leopard

Apple has a unique problem, Tiger is too good. How is that a problem you ask?  Simple, how do you climb higher when you are …(read more)

How Long Until The PowerPC is Truly Obsolete?

Some decisions are easy to make. If you’re driving to work and a boulder suddenly rolls over the front of your vehicle you know you’re …(read more)

The Bugless OS Myth

The dust has barely settled on OS X, 10.4.0 aka Tiger and we’ve already installed 10.4.1. And now 10.4.2 is in the wings with yet …(read more)