What the World Owes Microsoft

If you judged the popularity of OSes solely on the amount of coverage on the internet, you’d be hard pressed to reach the conclusion that …(read more)

Do you want OS X with that PC?

Good morning, Steve. I know you don’t listen to us, you’ve got a team of experts who display more expertise in a day than I …(read more)

Pay Per View Internet

I have noticed a disturbing trend that has slowly gained momentum as the internet continues to become more and more pervasive in our everyday lives. …(read more)

When Will the iPod Die?

The year is 1979. The president of Iraq resigns to let his associate take over –- Saddam Hussein; 200,000 people march through Washington DC in …(read more)

Why Microsoft Sincerely Fears the iPod

Recently rumors have been flying like bats out of a New Mexican cave that Microsoft is all set to foist, yet another, digital music player …(read more)

My PC Journey to Macintosh

It was December 1995, I was a 10 year old boy who, like many at that age, loved gadgets and enjoyed nothing more than to …(read more)

Microsoft to Release iPod Competitor

By now you might have heard the rumors and seen the unconfirmed pictures of Microsoft’s alleged iPod competitor. I say iPod competitor instead of iPod …(read more)

2006 Predictions Revisited

According to the assiduously researched book Expert Political Judgment: How Good Is It? The experts we are all familiar with, the guys on the TV …(read more)

5 Reasons Why Low Marketshare is a Good Thing

For the longest time Mac users have lamented their low market share. We theorize about why people do not switch, produce lists of reasons why …(read more)

Should Bill Kill Windows?

Bill Gates, philanthropist. Cough, splutter. Doesn’t sit easy, does it? But if you dig back into his past you’ll find it’s not out of character. …(read more)

12 Things I Hope to See in OS X 10.5, Leopard

Last week Devanshu discussed rumors of what might come in Leopard; I pondered if Leopard would leap ahead; and around the web, others began discussing …(read more)

Will Apple Go Blue-Ray or HD DVD?

Very soon Apple will be in a bit of bind. But not to worry, it will have plenty of company. In fact, in a few …(read more)