Apple TV Redux

Two months ago, I wrote an article on how I was disappointed with the Apple TV, based upon my experience in the Apple Store (the …(read more)

Cover Flow is Pretty, but Fairly Useless

I had many different reactions to Jobs’ recent keynote, chief among them being surprise, joy, and excitement. However, when he finally got around to discussing …(read more)

Will Apple’s iPhone Push The Mobile Market?

People were skeptical when Apple announced the iPod way back in 2001 and even predicted just how the company would fall due to an overpriced …(read more)

7 Ways to Avoid the iPhone Hype

You may have been told that it is impossible to avoid the iPhone hype. You may have tried and failed. To the iPhone: I’m going …(read more)

Will Apple Really Abandon the Low-End Desktop Computer Market?

Recent rumors suggest that Apple is to cut the 17-inch iMac from its range and drop the Mac mini, making the entry level desktop Mac …(read more)

WWDC 2007: The Aftermath

Well, WWDC is over and all of the pundits have made their claims about Apple’s successes and flops. As for me, I am just glad …(read more)

Why Port Safari to Windows?

Last Monday at the WWDC, Steve Jobs announced Safari 3.0 was to be ported onto Windows XP and Vista with the hope of gaining further …(read more)

3 Reasons Why I Hate The iPhone

I’ve always been told hate is a strong word when describing one’s feeling towards something and boy am I glad it is. The anticipation, the …(read more)

In Memory of Beta Software

There was a time when beta used to mean something. Not any more. Beta used to mean: “only for those crazy living-on-the-edge types who understand …(read more)

How iTunes is Paving the Way For Switchers

Trojan Horse—figurative, a person or thing intended secretly to undermine or bring about the downfall of an enemy or opponent. Ladies and gentlemen, it finally …(read more)

The Problem of Staying Updated

Recently I read an interesting blog post by Mark Pilgrim. If you recall, he was the Google engineer who decided to switch from Mac to …(read more)

My First WWDC as a Switcher

Well, today I am attending WWDC 2007. It is quite an eye opener. Many of the folks are very kind and have been very friendly …(read more)