My Favorite Apple Rumor

There have been some memorable rumors courtesy of the Mac rumor mill, haven’t there? The long awaited (and highly disappointing) two button mouse immediately springs …(read more)

Why Distributing 3rd Party Apps through iTunes Is a Good Thing

It’s rumored that Apple will charge users for 3rd party applications and distribute them through iTunes. This is the ideal situation for application distribution. We’ve …(read more)

The Speed Download uproar and why Yazsoft are not “weasels”

It wouldn’t be MacHeist if it didn’t feature in some huge public debate every month or two. This time, we have an outcry over Yazsoft’s …(read more)

Apple Needs a Game Division

Contrary to the rumors, I don’t think Apple is likely to create a “gaming system” anytime soon. However, that doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t actively …(read more)

Video Rentals & Downloads Will Be the Future

Over the years, we’ve embraced numerous video formats, most of those being an abandoned child from Sony. Digital downloads are no different, but this time …(read more)

Enough is enough, Mr Lyons. Stop the pretense already.

I love The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs and have been reading it religiously for the past year. When Forbes’ Senior Editor Dan Lyons was …(read more)

Apple Designs Make Work More Enjoyable

Long before I started studying design, I knew Apple knew good design. Or is that Jobs? Most of Apple’s best designs have come under his …(read more)

Microsoft, Always a Source of Amusement

How many surrealists does it take to change a light bulb? Calligraphy. That joke really sets the mood for this little spiel about Microsoft. I …(read more)

Goodbye to .Mac

After some four years or so shelling out to Apple for a .Mac account, I’m finally making the commitment to ditch it. It has never …(read more)

Is the iPhone Slowly Killing Apple or Giving it a New Life?

With the new jailbreak for the iPhone, users haven’t waited that long to be able to break the latest update from Apple. This news comes …(read more)

Antivirus applications - Do you need them?

I am a frequent visitor to an Apple centric community on orkut where I try to help new Mac users find their way around Mac …(read more)

Sorry Apple, Netflix Is Just Too Good

I like what Apple is trying to accomplish with their new movie rental service and applaud them for boldly moving in the right direction. Unfortunately, …(read more)